SomeOne won the opportunity to create the new strategy, name and branding for one of the most important projects currently in development in the south of England.
One of the biggest schemes Eastbourne Borough Council has ever embarked on will significantly improve the Devonshire Park complex to create a thriving and nationally important and recognised cultural and tennis destination.
We collaborated with the brilliant architects Levitt Bernstein — FInd out more about the £35,000,000 architectural side of things here.
The vision is to create a new improved cultural and Tennis destination, including:
- New state of the art conference space and restaurant/café facilities
- Restoration of the 3 Listed Buildings (Congress, Winter Garden and DP Theatre)
- Upgrading the facilities in all buildings
- Improved tennis facilities so that the LTA no longer has to bring in temporary facilities and new larger size tennis courts
- Distinct park entrance and new and improved public spaces.
Why are they doing this?
It is vital to ensure that the listed buildings are brought up to a high standard and sensitively improved to sustain their significant heritage and use for many years to come.
- Ensure they improve and maintain the standard of the tennis delivery to ensure they retain the tennis tournaments and attract other important tournaments to the park.
- Maintain a strong emphasis on culture and retain and develop entertainment audiences by offering more diverse shows and events.
- Provide much improved theatres, catering and conference facilities to improve the experience for visitors, delegates, hirers, performers and audiences.
- Improve accessibility of the whole site as well as its sustainability both financially and environmentally and improve conditions for staff and increase operational efficiency.
- Provide a more welcoming entrance and public area for the park with clearer links to the town centre and seafront.
When complete, the ambitious and high profile project will establish Devonshire Park as a premier conference and cultural destination and deliver major improvements to the international tennis facilities.
SomeOne has created a new strategic visual operating system for the organisation to communicate within while the project is constructed and for use when completed.
Detailed illustrations by SomeOne’s lead designer, Vyara Zlatilova create a BrandWorld for the organisation — both depicting the outstanding architectural components and developing a signature set of communication platforms.
„Each building is considerably complex in it’s exterior design, we digitally scanned the architecture and referenced original architectural drawings to develop a set of vector drawings based on each“ says Zlatilova.
Devonshire Park is well known within Eastbourne — and within Tennis circles — but this is an opportunity to widen it’s audience and appeal to people who are unaware of the facilities on offer.
The new name, The Devonshire Quarter was devised by SomeOne to better describe the district of Eastbourne that the site occupies.
„The Quarter is where Sport, Art, Theatre & People meet—It’s not a park you meander through, it’s a series of interlinked venues. Describing it as a quarter was a natural progression“ explains SomeOne’s Founder & Executive Strategic Creative Director, Simon Manchipp.