Enel’s Chairman Patrizia Grieco and CEO Francesco Starace today unveiled the Group’s new global corporate brand identity at Spanish subsidiary Endesa’s headquarters in Madrid. New Enel Green Power and Endesa branding was also presented today as part of the Group’s new overall brand identity.
“With our rebranding, we are aligning Enel’s corporate image to the changes that are taking place both within the company and in the accelerating evolution we are leading in the energy industry,” said Enel Group CEO and General Manager Francesco Starace. “The concept of Openness that we synthesise in the words ‘Open Power’ positions us as an innovative, sustainable Group that works to expand and enlarge the technology content of all our operations, to achieve security of supply and to improve energy services globally. It also means leveraging the value of our infrastructure by sharing knowledge to expand the range of its uses, while collaborating with customers, partners and other stakeholders to create a mutually beneficial environment that will help secure and protect investments. Open Power demands a lot more than just being a generator and distributor of electricity. Our new brand fully embodies the innovative, sustainable, multi-dimensional and open character of the Enel Group.”
Enel’s Open Power strategy, as presented most recently at the Group’s Capital Markets Day in London in November 2015, implies Openness as a cornerstone of its strategic and operational approach:
1. Open Energy to more people;
2. Open Energy to new technologies;
3. Open up new ways of managing energy for people;
4. Open up energy to new uses;
5. Open up to more partnerships.
The new brand strategy conveys Enel’s positioning as a modern utility that is open, flexible, responsive and able to lead the energy transition. The Group is introducing a new visual system – including new logos – that is highly active and colourful, embodying the flexible and dynamic principles of its open approach: “Open Power”. The new visual identity and logo show a host of colours to reflect the variety of the energy spectrum, the multi-faceted nature of a Group present in over 30 countries and the increasing diversity of the company’s services within the global energy system.
As part of the rebranding, the Group’s new corporate website Enel.com was also unveiled at the event, with a user-centric focus and a mobile-first application. The complete overhaul of the Group’s global online presence will take place over the course of 2016.