2.2.2020 Base

Gillion: Reimagining the building industry.

Gillion is a family-owned, Belgian construction and development enterprise. With 100 years in the making, they came to us at a time of significant change with the aim to refresh and clarify their brand while shifting from a B2B to a B2B2C company. In an industry that rarely communicates on its savoir-faire, we helped them restore value to the essential role of the builder – making them important actors in the urban space, instead of leaving them behind the scenes.


The identity we developed for Gillion aims to help them valorise the building process, while giving a refreshing outlook on their industry. The brand’s new visual language refers to their unique building spirit, an identity that is constantly in the process of being built.


To help them establish their new brand identity, we encouraged them to use their construction sites as in-situ communication touch-points for the outside world. Large, bright-yellow tarpaulins featuring wordplays and real-time information refer to their ongoing activities and keep the neighborhood informed on the next steps.


From jackets, helmets and trucks to all things print and digital, the new identity we designed was deployed by Hic-Sel-Es and can be seen and felt everywhere – both internally and externally.


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