With over 450 stores across the UK, Pets at Home are without a doubt the nation’s biggest petcare brand. Over the years they’ve helped pet owners to be their best by adding veterinary care, grooming, insurance, a host of services and a foundation that helps pets in need.
They are the undisputed top dog of what they do. Although their world of petcare brands have grown in reputation over the years, they have also grown apart in recognition. The varied identities, naming and brand experience created confusion, and a lack of recognition back to the master brand.
Throughout the project we worked closely with Cath Ryan, Head of Brand to deliver her unique vision: to unite Pets at Home and its family of petcare brands under one visual identity and one immersive brand experience.
The previous Pets at Home was made from a group of sub brands, sister companies and services. Although part of the same family with the same strong values, the varied identities, naming and brand experience created no recognition back to the primary Pets at Home brand.
The new structure unites everything through ‘Pets’, a brand name whose simplicity is its superpower and doubles down on its purpose of always doing what is best for pets and pet owners. The bold, new Pets logo serves as an anchor point for the world of sub brands to power up from, creating a team of brands that are stronger together.