ProAssurance Corporation is literally and figuratively turning a new page in its history today. The company is renewing its bold promise as it unveils a new logo, and a new themeline, "Treated Fairly."
'Treated Fairly' is the most important part of our new identity--it's the explicit promise of our brand," said ProAssurance Chief Executive Officer, Stan Starnes. He continued, "With our new identity we are making a public pledge that all of our actions will deliver fair treatment, informed by the core values that guide our organization: integrity, respect, doctor involvement, collaboration, communication, and enthusiasm. These values, along with our enduring commitment to financial strength, the unfettered defense of non-meritorious claims and the prompt, fair settlement of those claims with merit, have been at the heart of our existence since our founding by a dedicated group of physicians over 30 years ago. While we have always been focused on these ideals, our recent year-long, in-depth study identified areas in which we can improve. We recognize that we may not agree on every outcome, but we are committed to ensuring everyone touched by our organization is 'Treated Fairly.'"
Along with its new theme, ProAssurance will be represented by a new logo that symbolizes our commitment to "Treated Fairly." The curling green logo implies the action of revelation to those with whom we deal. It shows that ProAssurance is revealing a brighter side, one that signifies being treated in a fair, open and positive way that will differentiate us from the competition.
ProAssurance will be building on its brand over the next few months, but the company has already been at work with the transformation of its customer service with employee training and an emphasis on collaboration. "It really is the dawn of a new era here at ProAssurance. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity we have identified to differentiate our Company," said Starnes.
As part of strengthening its brand, ProAssurance is undertaking a renaming and realignment of its insurance subsidiaries. "All of our subsidiaries will soon bear the name ProAssurance," explained President Victor Adamo. He said, "We think our new emphasis on "Treated Fairly" will transform us and bring new respect and admiration to the name ProAssurance. We want our insurance subsidiaries to share in that differentiation."