28.2.2008 Lloyd Northover

The Tottenham brand

A new brand, identity and a five-year marketing plan for Tottenham has been developed by brand strategy and creative agency Lloyd Northover. 


The Tottenham brand, has been created to close the gap between people's current perception of Tottenham and what it has to offer as a place to live, work and play - presenting Tottenham as a destination for business, living, shopping, culture and fun. It was funded by London Borough of Haringey and the London Development Agency and led by North London Business, a sub-regional development agency. 


The brand will be delivered and rolled out by the Tottenham Partnership, an initiative involving local businesses and the public sector, intended to drive business renaissance and promote sustainable economic regeneration by improving the image of Tottenham. 


The Tottenham brand was developed by Lloyd Northover through a series of consultations, engaging with the local community and key stakeholders in order to better understand the aspirations of local businesses and residents, and to create momentum around the repositioning of Tottenham. The brand builds upon Tottenham's unique physical and cultural connections to encourage more people to embrace and experience the rich variety of opportunities that Tottenham offers – business, cultural, educational, social, leisure and sports. 


The 'T' icon, in a palette of pink, orange, lime and blue, was developed to capture the essence of Tottenham using icons to represent the live, visit, work and play aspects of Tottenham. Specifically, icons of leaves and butterflies represent parks and open spaces; the globe and people stand for multiculturalism and diversity; the plane, taxi and tube sign all represent good transport links; the balloon and fireworks symbolise festivals and celebration, etc. It is an intricate logo that can be explored and delved into, yet is robust enough to be used on any application. 


Phil Heaton, senior brand consultant of Lloyd Northover, says: "The brand is a rallying banner for everyone in Tottenham - repositioning it as a place with great opportunities for businesses, with a talented and skilled workforce, and as a diverse, vibrant, dynamic, safe place to live, work and play. It's a very exciting project to be involved in as the brand and identity play a key role in being both the inspiration and the vehicle for the important work to be delivered by the Tottenham Partnership - they are fundamental to its future success. 


Angie Chandler, Haringey City Growth board member, adds to this: "As Tottenham's image improves, the area's excellent location, transport connections and below average property prices will certainly place Tottenham in a very competitive position as a national and international business location."
