24.8.2010 VIM Group

VIM Group implements new visual identity bpost

The change of the name from De Post to bpost are the result of large alterations in recent years, within as well as outside of the organisation. Since 2011 the postal market will be opened up completely, in Belgium and in Europe. In preparation to this shift, bpost achieved major change-projects in its services and workflow. With these it strengthens its client focus and competitiveness. 


The new brand identity is designed by brand-agency Interbrand. In preparation of the implementation VIM Group mapped the impact of the change for the organisation and the visual power of the brand in time and budget. 


The implementation will start in September and continue gradually based on replacement. This to guarantee a financially efficient execution. The realisation of the new identity concerns more than 1,000 buildings, 6,000 operational vehicles as well as all mailboxes and company uniforms. Today Design is responsible for the design on the various brand carriers, VIM Group supervises the entire process.
