Since a few engineering students decided to start a small business of customised USB’s 10 years ago, ambitious ideas kept flowing towards making technology accessible to every one. Today BQ is a consolidated company of around 1,000 employees which, besides the original USBs, designs and manufactures e-readers, latest generation smartphones, 3D printers, toy robots and loads more.
Beyond its consumer products, BQ has an educational side to the business that aims at making technology accessible to every one, not only in terms of price, but more importantly, in terms of providing the necessary tools for everyone to understand technology, use it and develop it.
Along with the consolidation of the company, the business has been expanding beyond the Spanish market to compete with the world’s first league of smartphones manufacturers and distributors. In this context of continuous growth, BQ asked Saffron to help them build a strong and differentiating brand that could grow with them and take them even further.
When Saffron first got in contact with the founders and directors of the company, we found a team with a very honest, aspirational as well as inspirational spirit and very strong beliefs: Technology is the engine that helps us make possible what seemed impossible; it breaks barriers and speaks a universal language that will make us free; it is the key to change the world for the better.
Based on its already inherent DNA, we defined BQ’s brand purpose, which is “to help people understand technology, encourage them to use it and inspire them to develop it”. We also spelled out the key features of their personality as honest, challenging, dynamic, reliable and didactic.
All these aspects of BQ’s DNA led us to create a lively and unique visual identity that inspires people to make the most of their ideas through using and understanding technology. It all starts with a digital imprint –in both senses of the word- that ignites the creation process. This symbol, along with a white window that interacts with changing backgrounds, brings BQ’s brand purpose to life.